The Great Orion Nebula (M42) and The Running Man Nebula (NGC1977) |
Date: October 2006 & Janurary 2007 CLICK THE IMAGE FOR FULL RESOLUTION |
SBIG ST2000XM w/CFW-8a Astrodon Series I RGB filters and Astrodon 6nm Ha filter Takahashi FSQ-106n piggyback on an 12" LX200GPS 148 minutes total L = 32 minutes R = 20 minutes G = 20 minutes B = 20 minutes Ha = 56 minutes 120 second sub-exposures autoguided by the integrated guider Central Core 5 minutes total R = 100 seconds G = 100 seconds B = 100 seconds 10 second sub-exposures autoguided by the integrated guider Layered the central core into the overall image. Total exposure time 153 minutes (over 2.5 hours!) Processing: Maxim DL, FITS Liberator and Photoshop CS. |